Prof. Omar J Pérez A

About Me

Since 1994 I'm a Full Professor at Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, Venezuela.

My main duties and responsibilities include teaching in geosciences and engineering, research and coordination and management of national and international projects in the fields of Seismology and GPS Geodesy. I am currently Head of the university's Global Positioning System (GPS) Laboratory with a staff of five researchers.

As a lecturer, my duties include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in GPS Geodesy, Seismology, Geodynamics, Theoretical and Applied Geophysics, Gravity, Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Risk, as well as the supervision of undergraduate and graduate students and thesis.

As a researcher, I carry out investigations that include earthquake and GPS data analysis and interpretations, the source and mechanics of earthquakes and faulting, and geodynamic studies, particularly in the Caribbean, South-American and Circum-Pacific regions.

It is also my duty to manage and coordinate national and international projects which currently involve or have involved foreign entities such as the Universities of Colorado (USA) and UNAVCO (USA), the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences of New Zealand; and national organizations such as the Universities of Zulia and Los Andes and the National Cartography Institute, particularly in the areas of Seismology, satellite geodesy and geodynamics.

In 1997 I founded the School of Graduates Studies in Earth Sciences at Simon Bolivar University, in the branches of Geophysics of the Solid Earth, Oil Exploration and Geology. I also founded in 1999 the GPS Geodesy and Sismotectonics Laboratory within the Department of Earth Sciences.

In 2000 and 2001 I was a Visiting Professor at the Department of Earth Science, University of Oxford, UK.

In the 80's and 90's, prior to my coming to USB, I served as Director of Seismology of the Venezuelan Fundation for Seismological Research and Director of the Cagigal National Seismological Observatory in Caracas; as a member of the Board of Directors of the Venezuelan National Research Council; and as Head Engineering Consultant at Metro of Caracas.