

  • In 1974 I got an Engineering degree in Geophysics at Central University of Caracas. My Thesis focused on the Sismotectonics of the Caribbean and sourronding regions.

  • In 1975 I got a Master of Science degree in Geophysics at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. My Thesis was an Spectral Analysis of Accelerograms recorded during a series of Nicaraguan earthquakes and its applications in the earthquake resistant design problem in Managua.

  • In 1981 I got a Master of Philosophy degree in Geology at Columbia University in New York.

  • In 1983 I got a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in seismology at Columbia University, New York, working at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory . My PhD Thesis was an Analysis of the Seismic behavior of the focal and adjacent regions of very great earthquakes during the earthquakes cycle, and included the generation of a revised world catalog of strong shocks occurring on the planet since 1900.