
Yakataga Gap.PDF

Yakataga Gap, Alaska: Seismic History and Earthquake Potential, Science, 207, 1309-1314, 1980

McCann W. R., O. J. Pérez

Scientific Publications

  • Fernández F., O. J. Perez y J. A. Rial, Sismotectónica del área del Caribe y occidente de Venezuela, Boletín de Geología, 7:4, 669-686, 1977

  • Pérez O. J., R. Husid and A. Espinoza, A study of strong motions from a set of Nicaraguan earthquakes and their relationship to damage, Proc. VI World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1, 946-1,952, Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, Ed. Sarita Prakashan, Meerut, India, 1977

  • McCann W. R., O. J. Pérez and L. R. Sykes, Yakataga Gap, Alaska: Seismic History and Earthquake Potential, Science, 207, 1309-1314, 1980

  • Pérez O. J. and K. H. Jacob, Tectonic Model and Seismic Potential of the Eastern Gulf of Alaska and Yakataga Seismic Gap, Journal of Geophysical Research, 85, 7132-7150, 1980

  • Pérez O. J. and K. H. Jacob, St. Elias, Alaska, Earthquake of February 28, 1979: Tectonic Setting and Precursory Seismicity Pattern, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 70, 1995-1606, 1980

  • Pérez O. J. and Y. P. Aggarwal, Present-day Tectonics of the Southeastern Caribbean and Northeastern Venezuela, Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, 10791-10804, 1981

  • Suárez R., V. Adams and O. J. Pérez, Instrumentation and software development for the seismological network of Venezuela, Proc. 15th International Symposium on Mini- and Macro-computers, 1, 89-93, México City, México, 1981

  • K. H. Jacobs, O. J. Perez and others, A comprehensive study of the seismotectonics of the eastern Aleutian arc and associated volcanic system, US Dpt. Energy, paper n° DE-ASO-76, Ero 3134, 01-83, 1981 (including myself and seven others)

  • Pérez O. J. and C. H. Scholz, Heterogeneities of the Instrumental seismicity Catalogue for Strong Shallow Earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America , 74, 669-686, 1984

  • Pérez O. J. , Lack of Uniformity of Instrumental Data on Strong Earthquakes in Seismic catalogs (1904-1980), Izv. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. Solid Earth (Engl. Trans.), 20, 721-729, 1984, Russia

  • Pérez O. J., Seismotectonics of western Venezuela and Southwestern Caribbean, Annales Geophysicae, 14, 88-91, 1996, The Netherlands.

  • Pérez O. J. and C. H. Scholz, Long Term Seismic Behavior of the Focal and Adjacent Regions of Great Earthquakes During the Time Between two Successive Shocks, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 8.203-8.216, 1997

  • Pérez O. J., M. A. Jaimes and E. Garciacaro, Microseismicity Evidence for Subduction of the Caribbean Plate Beneath the South American Plate in Northwestern Venezuela, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 17875-17882, 1997

  • Pérez O. J. , M. A. Jaimes and E. Garciacaro, Subducción de la Placa del Caribe Bajo la Suramericana en el Noroeste de Venezuela: Evidencias Sismológicas, Interciencia, 22, 131-137, 1997

  • Pérez O. J. , G. Lagos and C. Sanz, Microseismicity, Tectonics and Seismic Potential in Southern Caribbean and Northern Venezuela, Journal of Seismology, 1, 15-28, 1997

  • Pérez O. J., Seismological Report on The Mw=6.8 Strong Shock of 9 July, 1997 in Cariaco, Northeastern Venezuela, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 88, 874-879, 1998.

  • Pérez O. J. y J. Mendoza, Sismicidad en Venezuela y Areas Vecinas, Física de la Tierra, (Ed.Universidad Complutense, Madrid), 10, 87-110, 1998, España

  • Pérez, O. J., El Terremoto de Cariaco, Oriente de Venezuela, del 9 de Julio de 1997, Interciencia, 23, 101-110, 1998.

  • Pérez O. J., Revised World Seismicity Catalog (1950-1997) for Strong (Ms>6) Shallow (h<70 km) Earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 88, 335-341, 1999.

  • Pérez O. J., Kuril Islands Arc: Two seismic cycles of great earthquakes during which the complete history of seismicity is observed, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90, 1096-1100, 2000.

  • Pérez O. J., R. Bilham, R. Bendick, J. R. Velandia, N. Hernandez, C. Moncayo, M. Hoyer and M. Kosuch, Velocity field across the Southern Caribbean plate boundary and estimates of Caribbean/South-American plate motion using GPS geodesy 1994-2000, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 2987-2990, 2001

  • Pérez O. J., R. Bilham, R. Bendick, J. R. Velandia, J. Hernandez, M. Hoyer, R. Velandia, C. Moncayo and M. Kosuch, Velocidad relativa entre las placas del Caribe y Suramérica a partir de observaciones GPS en el norte de Venezuela, Interciencia, 26, 69-74, 2001.

  • Weber, J. C, T. H. Dixon, Ch. DeMetz, W. B. Ambeh, P. Jansma, G. Mattioli, J. Saleh, G. Sella, R. Bilham and O. Perez, GPS estimate of relative motion between the Caribbean and South American plates, and geologic implications for Trinidad and Venezuela, Geology, 29, 75-78, 2001

  • Pérez O. J., M. Hoyer, N. Hernandez, V. Marquez, N. Sue, J. R. Velandia y D. Deiros, Alturas del Pico Bolívar y otras cimas andinas venezolanas a partir de observaciones GPS, Interciencia, 30, 213-216, 2005

  • Pérez O. J., M. Hoyer, J. Hernandez, C. Rodriguez, V. Marquez, N. Sue, J. Velandia, J. Fernandes and D. Deiros, GPS Height Determination of Peak Bolivar, Venezuela, Survey Review, U. K., 38, 697-702, 2006

  • Pérez O. J., R. Bilham, M. Sequera, M. Molina, P. Gavotti, H. Codallo, C. Moncayo, C. Rodriguez, R. Velandia, M. Guzman y P. Molnar, Campo de velocidades GPS en el occidente de Venezuela: Componente lateral derecha asociada a la falla de Boconó y componente convergente perpendicular a los Andes, Interciencia, 36 (1), 39-44, 2011

  • Wesnousky S. G., R. Aranguren, M. Rengifo, L. A. Owen, M. W. Caffee, M. K. Murari and O. J. Perez, Toward quantifying geomorphic rates of crustal displacement, landscape development, and the age of glaciation in the Venezuelan Andes, Geomorphology, 141-142, 99-113, 2012

  • Pérez O. J., C. Rodríguez and J. L. Alonso, Earthquakes, tsunamis, and the related vulnerability in South-America and the Caribbean – an overview, in: Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications, IUGG Special Publications, Cambridge University Press, U.K., 1, 145-151, Ed. A. Ismail-Zadeh, J. Urrutia Fucugauchi, A. Kijko, K. Takeuchi and I. Zaliapin, 2014.

  • Pérez O. J., S.G. Wesnousky, R. De La Rosa, J. Marquez, R. Uzcategui, Ch. Quintero, L. Liberal, H. Mora-Paez and W. Szeliga, On the interaction of the North Andes plate with the Caribbean and South American plates in northwestern South America from GPS geodesy and seismic data, Geophysical Journal International, 214(3), 1986-1001, 2018, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggy230

  • Mencin D., Mora-Paéz H., Bilham R.G., Mattioli G.S., La Fernina P. C.,Audemard F.A., Molnar P. H.,Pérez O. J., New Velocity field for Northern Colombia and Western Venezuela and implications for a great earthquake in the Southwest Caribbean, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, abstract #G32A-04

  • Mencin D., Mora-Paéz H., Bilham R.G., Mattioli G.S., La Fernina P. C.,Audemard F.A., Molnar P. H.,Pérez O. J., Large Earthquake Potential in the Southeast Caribbean, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015, abstract id. T11E-2941

  • Revised world seismicity catalog (1950-1997) for strong (M>6) shallow (h<70 km) earthquakes, European Geophysical Society EGS, 23th General Assembly, Nice, France, In: Annales Geophysicae, 16, Spp. 1, pp. C125, 1998.

  • Earthquake prediction studies in Venezuela, Geoscience 98, Keele, U.K., In: Book of Abstracts, pp.16, 1998, Invited Paper.

  • Oblique slip and slip partitioning along the Boconó fault system, western Venezuela, American Geophysical Union AGU, Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, In: EOS, Spp. vol. 79, pp. S21A-09, 1998.

  • A new GPS program to quantify slip rates on faults conforming the southern boundary of the Caribbean plate in northern Venezuela, European Geophysical Society EGS, 24th General Assembly, The Hague, Neetherlands, In: Annales Geophysicae, 17, Spp. 1, 1999.

  • Spatial-temporal-energy characteristics of seismicity occurring during the seismic cycle: A reappraisal, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics IUGG, Birmingham, U.K., In: Book of Abstracts, paper ST1/E/45-A3 1230, 1999.

  • Relative motion between the Caribbean and South-American plates from GPS observations in northern South-America ans the Lesser Antilles, European Geophysical Society EGS, 26th General Assembly, Nice, France, Annales Geophysicae, 19, Spp.1, 2001.

  • GPS geodesy in southern Caribbean and Venezuela: Results from from observations in 1994/2000 and ongoing experiments, American Geophysical Union AGU, Spring Meeting, Washington DC, USA, In: EOS, Spp. vol. 83, T31A-04, 2002, Invited Paper.

  • GPS geodesy in southern Caribbean: Results from observations in 1994/2000 and ongoing experiments for earthquake prediction, ERMERS Earthquake Mechanics, Earth Structure and Related Problems, Erice, Italy, In: Book of Abstracs, 2002, Invited Paper.

  • Seismic moment distribution of long-term foreshocks of great earthquakes, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics IUGG, Sapporo, Japan, In: Book of Abstracts, paper 022015-1, 2006

  • Oblique convergence and slip partitioning along the Bocono fault system and Venezuelan Andes, IASPEI-International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth Interior, General Assembly, in: CD with Abstracts, Cape Town, South Africa, 2009

  • An overview of the earthquake activity and associated hazards in South-America and the Caribbean and the socio-economic impact of severe earthquakes in these regions, AGU American Geophysical Union Meeting of the Americas, Iguazu, Brasil, August 2010, Session U09, 2010, Invited Paper.

  • Feasibility of COCOnet GPS sites in Venezuela, UNAVCO meeting of 2012, Puerto Rico, Invited paper.

  • On the motion of the Caribbean plate relative to South_America: New results from GPS geodesy 1999-2012, AGU American Geophysical Union Meeting of the Americas, Cancun, Mexico, 2013, Session U011, Invited Paper.

  • On the interaction of the North Andes plate with the Caribbean and South American plates in northwestern South America from GPS geodesy and seismic data, Seismological Society of America meeting, Miami, Fl., 2018, Invited Paper (also Session Convener).