Main Grants Awarded

Main Grants Awarded

  • 1980-1985 US $3.000.000 from the National Congress of Venezuela to design, implement and operate the first Venezuelan National Seismological Network through the Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research, composed of 25 seismological stations located in the Venezuela Antilles and on land, with all signal telemetered to a central recording station in Caracas. Principal Investigator.

  • 1998-2002 US 400.000 from the Venezuelan National Research Council to design, implement and operate the GPS Geodesy Laboratory at Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, including instrumentation and software, to perform crustal deformations studies in southern Caribbean and northern South-America. Principal Investigator.

  • 2003-2014 Various grants from the Venezuelan Oil Industry and Private Companies to perform GPS-related investigations in Venezuela. These include grants from PDVSA (the mail Venezuelan oil company); INTEVEP (Technological Venezuelan Oil Institute); GLAXOWELCOME (UK); CVP (Venezuelan Oil Corporation, Gas Project Mariscal Sucre); EYP-PDVSA (Project Rafael Urdaneta); Centro Mapa Consultores C.A.; NRRN Gerencia y Cambios C.A.; Tranarg Consultores C.A.; Geophysical Survey C.A.; Mavic C.A.; Japroca C